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[线上活动] 双语:给菜取好名让孩子爱不释口

发表于 2014-10-29 11:08:07|来自:重庆 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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In a new study, 186 four-year-olds were given regular carrots and,on other lunch days, they were given the same vegetables renamedX-ray Vision Carrots. On the latter days, they ate nearly twice asmany。


  The study suggests the influence of these names mightpersist。


  Children continued to eat about 50 percent more carrots evenon the days when they were no longer labeled as anythingspecial。


  The research, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation,was presented at the annual meeting of the School NutritionAssociation in Washington, DC。


  "Cool names can make for cool foods," says lead author BrianWansink of Cornell University. "Whether it be 'power peas' or'dinosaur broccoli trees,' giving a food a fun name makes kidsthink it will be more fun to eat. And it seems to keepworking--even the next day," Wansink said。


  Similar results have been found with adults. A restaurantstudy showed that when the Seafood Filet was changed to SucculentItalian Seafood Filet, sales increased 28 percent and taste ratingincreased by 12 percent. "Same food, but different expectations,and a different experience," said Wansink, author of "MindlessEating: Why We Eat More Than We Think."


  The veggie study was conducted in pre-schools, but theresearchers believe the same naming tricks can work with childrenat home。


  -"I've been using this with my kids," saidresearcher Collin Payne, "Whatever sparks their imagination seemsto spark their appetite."



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